TL;DR: Keep things to yourself, and everything will be cool.
Truth be told, I never thought someday I'd ever need to be writing this article, but the time has come when people are asking about sexual orientations basis on a weekly. I can ill afford to throw half an hour out of the window making half-arsed arguments in response.
Some may say I'm anti-LGBTQ. Well, I most certainly can tell you I will never endorse it. To take advantage of my freedom of speech, I see LGBTQ+ (and whatever) and anyone who identifies themselves to be included within a state of irrecoverable mental disorder, but please read on before turning up at my apartment with a katana.
That doesn't mean I'd go up to someone within this group and say to their face that their identification is a mental disorder and they should kill themselves; no. I believe that this is what many members of this community are doing wrong. Essentially, it's a community built purely on attention-seekers.
For your reference, this link contains some stats about the LGBTQ+ (and whatever) population. I'm not going to post any statistics on this site to avoid idiots trying to defame me for allegedly "posting bullshit stats." In any case, it's a minority below 10% in most cases without factoring in those confused by what the heck it means. What disgusts me is not their worldviews and their belief and whatever - I'm raised to respect the thoughts of others - but rather their will to force their ideology into whatever crevice they can, by whatever means possible.
There's a recent clip a little over a while ago where a parent tore down the so-called "pride" flag. I'm fine with there being a flag to represent their idealogy; people wanted flags for different things: flags for signaling during the older ages, flags for forcibly conquering the continent. (some would point out that this is an extreme comparison, but in this case, what's the difference? Someone does something wrong, and suddenly, it seems like the whole community is doxxing, scrutinizing, spamming, and even blackmailing. )Meanwhile, "activist groups" (in reality, a group of loosely-coordinated blackmailers) push firms to push changes to their product just so that the minuscule percentage of them could "feel at home" and lay sight on the flag that they praise all day, with a high priority because any delays will suggest an unwilling commitment to the impatient lads and cause a PR disaster and subsequent nightmares. If only Microsoft could fix the Outlook calendar syncing issue on MacOS within 2 years... why am I even using Outlook?
At the end of the day, I'm willing to make friends, talk, and have fun together, no matter if you're normal or if you're LGBTQ+ (and whatever). Everyone has their shortcomings, and everyone sees things differently. I respect the fact that you consider yourself a part of this group, and I hope that you respect me and that I do not consider myself to be a part of your group. Most of us call that mutual respect for those of you who don't know. I will treat you the same way I treat others. (why would you want/require, let alone deserve special treatment?) Meanwhile, for the not-so-attention-seeking members of the LGBTQ+ community who respects my identifications/decisions/ideologies - thank you so much for being a sane part of an otherwise insane community.
Thank you.
Yes, if you're wondering why there is (and whatever) after LGBTQ+, it's been there since the first draft, and it's there to act as a catch-all after a catch-all to prevent blindness. Thought some of you might need that. Deal with it if you will; I won't change it because it saves me time.